Crystal Healing
An Alternate medical techniqueCrystal Healing is an alternative medical technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease. Proponents of this technique believe that crystals act as conduits for healing – allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out. But despite the fact that crystal healing has seen an upsurge in popularity in recent years, this alternative treatment is not popular with most medical doctors and scientists, many of whom refer to crystal healing as a pseudoscience. Scientifically speaking, there is no evidence that crystal healing can be used to cure diseases, because diseases have never been found to be the result of a so-called energy flow in the body. Nevertheless, healing crystals remain popular at health spas and New Age health clinics, sometimes incorporated into related practices of massage and Reiki. The use of crystals in such environments may help to induce relaxation.